Redesigning Digital Information
Information designed to fit software logic must now be restructured to serve emergent consumer logic.
Information designed to fit software logic must now be restructured to serve emergent consumer logic.
Books for systems thinkers shared in the Icelandic tradition.
After nearly 20 years, here are five things I’ve learned about (information) systems.
We build technology by developing the people who can design, deliver and maintain that technology
Where once there were events, now there are flows of data published continuously.
Events are the way a system communication that something matterful has changed.
As complexity increases, more software parts act as a source of information -- with layers that govern communication.
Exploring patterns for forming new relationships between decoupled parts.
Exploring how to draw boundaries around software parts. How do you figure out what to decouple from what?
As we move from software to systems of software, time and relationship is where complexity increases at breakneck speed.
Writing practices help us think and learn and lead. Writing hones essential skills for knowledge workers.